My life changed dramatically on Mother's Day 2013. Three days later I was diagnosed with cancer from my physician. This blog was made to keep my family and friends informed to what has been happening to me the past few weeks. When I find out news from different Doctor's through all of the procedures I have had, so many of you have wanted me to text, email, call, or someway contact you. It humbles me how many of you are concerned. Sometimes I forget to contact some of you. This way, you can stay in touch with what is happening now. Please feel free to comment. I hope I have it set up so you can. If not, I will ask Emily my daughter to help me, since she helped me get this set up.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I am a 'sick' lump on a log! That says it all.

I know I have been bad for not saying anything about my condition 'after' radiation.  Well.....

1.  Sick, sick, sick from nausea in the mornings and into late afternoon.  I finally took Zofran, for nausea in the mornings before breakfast and that helped tons. 

2.  Extreme lethargy.  Tiredness off the chart.

I called the radiation office and she said I could have these side effects a month.  And they would dwindle each week.  The nausea has dwindled, but the tiredness is still really bad.  I keep thinking something else must be making me this tired, but then I think, probably not.  I just need to be patient.

Why is it that anything to help cancer, that they sock it to you big time financially. Doesn't seem fair. 

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