My life changed dramatically on Mother's Day 2013. Three days later I was diagnosed with cancer from my physician. This blog was made to keep my family and friends informed to what has been happening to me the past few weeks. When I find out news from different Doctor's through all of the procedures I have had, so many of you have wanted me to text, email, call, or someway contact you. It humbles me how many of you are concerned. Sometimes I forget to contact some of you. This way, you can stay in touch with what is happening now. Please feel free to comment. I hope I have it set up so you can. If not, I will ask Emily my daughter to help me, since she helped me get this set up.

Monday, October 12, 2015

A HUGE change in my cancer.

Well, I went to see Dr. Fisher today, my Radiation Oncologist. There was good news, but bad news also.

Good News:  My three tumors have shrunk to the size of raisins.  They are essentially "No More".! The radiation did a number on those babies!!  Yea! Such good news.

Bad News:  Those three tumors (raisins now) have always been outside my liver, which has always been soooooooo unusual.  I have been a puzzling case right from the get go because the cancer was NOT IN my liver.

Well, now it is........................................
And it is very fast growing.........................

Since my last CT scan, where it didn't show any lesions in my liver, it has only been 4-5 months.  Now it shows 3.  One is two inches and the other two are 1 1/2 inches each!!  That is FAST GROWING!  So the tumors are gone but fast growing lesions are in my liver.  Dr. Fisher wanted to call a few oncologists and get their opinions on what course to take with me. 

REMEMBER MY ONCOLOGIST THE FIRST TIME I FOUND OUT I HAD CANCER? (Go back and read the very first of my blog if you don't know about him)  Well get this!!!!!  He hasn't changed any!!! Dr. Fisher called him to get his opinion on what he would do with my currant situation.  This is what he said:

" I would give your patient strong pain medication and call Hospice for her".  SERIOUSLY?  I DON'T EVEN LOOK SICK YET!  HOSPICE?  I am sorry to say this but HE IS A JERK!!!

(Calming down my blood pressure).  Dr. Fisher didn't believe that and said that he felt there was some other things we can do. It is called Intervention Radiation.  A specialty radiation. To try to go inside me and cut off the blood supply to the three lesions in my liver.  I kept getting hugs from the doctor and nurse in his office, so I knew that what he was telling me was NOT what I wanted to hear.

Dr. Fisher said that he was not going to give me a timeline that I have left in my life.  I had already super ceded time lines before and would probably continue to do it again.

Well, for the next hour we discussed different doctors.  I am going to get a new oncologist, as bad as I don't want to.  She still hasn't come back to work, 9 months later from her stroke.  So he got me an appointment with the other oncologist that is in her office.  They have all of my files. 

Then I got an appointment for the surgeon who would zap the lesions in my liver, to have a consultation.  Then I have some thickening from the CT scan in my esophagus.  I have an appointment to have an EGD.  All of these are new doctors and I don't like NEW.  I guess I bite the bullet and buck up.

The day after this appointment, I think I was in despair.  I didn't get dressed.  I laid around all day and was in a dark hole.  I gave myself the day to contemplate my new diagnosis, and get over my sadness.  The next day, and since then I have been fine again.  I needed to mourn a day.  My appointments will take place within 2 days.  They are trying to get me taken care of ASAP.  Crappy Cancer.


  1. Miracles can happen! It sounds like you've got a great doctor who's being very proactive in finding the right help for you. You're in my prayers! Hang in there!!

  2. The one thing I've learned in the past few months is that the Savior knows every part of you and your life on this earth and will help. It is so hard to be shoved one step backward after making two hard earned steps forward. I cry a lot too. I love Sister Marriott's last conference talk - it will all work out. Your example and spirit gives me courage! I continue to pray for you!! I love you tons!! :)

  3. Terry Lynn, in reading your last blog i truly believe your mother was with you! I am so in awe of the strength and courage you have with all you are being put through. I do believe in miracles and you definately deserve one! My thoughts and prayers will be with you.
